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Rust Wine Co. Syrah South Rock Vineyard, Golden Mile Bench, Okanagan Valley, BC
Other Readers Rated this Wine:
Region: British Columbia Golden Mile Bench
Vintage: 2019
Winery: $44.0

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WineDiva's Review

Muscular, aromatic, restrained.
While Rust Wine Co. is located on Golden Mile Drive, and is one of the handful of wineries allowed to use the designation Golden Mile sub-GI, they make four single vineyard Syrahs, aged 10 months in French oak (20% new), which are all unique and colour coded to site along with a matching label and wax dip.

I tasted all four side-by-side upon opening and again 45 hours later, I felt they needed time to open.
This version comes from a fluvial fan of gravelly clay and eroded mountain rock from vines planted at 300 MASL in 2002 on the Golden Mile Bench.
This version is earthy and savoury; initially red plum and white pepper, salami and blackberries with dusty undertones dominate, and later high-toned red berries and dried roses appear. More restrained than the others, its a bit more horizontal on the palate. Flavours of spice, plums and pepper evolve into burnt licorice root, brown spices and leather. It has a muscular character.

This bottle has an orange dipped cap and orange trim label. NO image available.

Recommended Pairings
Rich Meats , Barbeque, Good First Impressions, Cellar Keepers, Cheese Fondue

©copyright 2024 Daenna Van Mulligen
Wine Diva reviewed - 2022-02-25 21:00:17.0

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Osoyoos Larose 'Le Grand Vin', Okanagan Valley
Other Readers Rated this Wine:
Region: British Columbia Osoyoos
Vintage: 2017
BC: $48.99

BC CSPC: BC CSPC Code -129999

Ranking: 30.001349
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